Taking a Look at How Other Businesses Use Social Media in their Marketing Strategies: Black Rock Coffee Bar

As a new author on the scene, it was super important to me to make sure that I would have success in this endeavor; I will accept nothing less. 😉

My goal is to become a well-known author. I speak about this in my blog post titled “A Day in the Life...”. If you haven’t read it, you should take some time to check it out. I go over some pretty cool details about the social media platforms that work for me with promoting my books as an author and now, as an involuntary content creator, lol. (It’s involuntary because I have to create content as a part of my marketing strategy, but I am thoroughly enjoying it. 😊) 

Back to the topic at hand. I want to ensure my success, so I went back to college in pursuit of my marketing degree, which I am also enjoying (My Background: I have a bachelor's degree in Liberal Studies with an emphasis in Psychology and Spanish, and I have a master's degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling; the reason why I write on the topics of human intrapersonal issue 😂💕. You can check out my collection of books at www.introspective-solutions.services). 

This process of learning what it takes to really succeed in marketing has been interesting. Consequently, it is important for me to learn from the success of other thriving businesses. Today we are going to critique the usage of digital media by a local small business.

A local small business that I frequent is a small coffee shop chain called Black Rock Coffee Bar. I’m sitting in their café currently as I am writing this post, lol. I love this place. It is my go-to when I am not visiting the beloved Starbucks scene.

How does the company currently use digital media? Are these methods or strategies effective?

The first thing that I noticed about their use of digital media is that when a person logs on to their wi-fi, it automatically takes you directly to their Facebook page every time. This is genius because it let’s the customers know that they have an online social media presence and I don’t have to go looking for it, unlike Starbucks. When you log onto Starbuck’s wi-fi it goes straight to their website. I would guess that Starbucks has social media accounts, but I don’t want to have to take the extra time to have to go find it. It’s actually not even something that I consider doing, so Black Rock’s approach is definitely smart.

What recommendations do you have to assist the company in improving its current strategies?

Honestly, I don’t have any recommendations because they seem to be taking social media seriously and are definitely using it to their advantage. I saw on the page that they are opening another location. They posted the event directly on the page and had a countdown timer. They also posted incentives of discounted prices on purchases for the first week after its opening. They seem to have it all together from where I am seated. I’m the one that could stand to learn a few things, lol. IF I absolutely had to add my two cents, I would say that they could possibly ask customers to send in photos of them holding drinks and/or testimonials of their favorite drinks in exchange for some sort of incentive. Maybe the participants could get a free drink or something like that for sending in the photo. I think that would be a great addition to what they already have going on. Other than that, their current approach is very effective.


This small business seems to be really on topic of their game when it comes to using digital media as a part of their marketing strategy. I will be taking some pointers and updating my use of the different ways I can use social media as well. 

Well, that’s all for today folks! I really hope that you continue to take this ride with me on this marketing journey. I hope that my desire to succeed and motivation to take the actions I feel are necessary to reach the desired outcome will inspire you in some way, or at the very least, teach you something that you didn’t know. Well, until next time. 😊


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